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Ram Ramanathan:Logistics system in UK(时间:4.18)
2017年04月18日 09:01    

报告题目:Logistics system in UK

报 告 人:Ram Ramanathan教授 University of Bedfordshire





Professor Ram Ramanathanis the Director of Business and Management Research Institute, in the Business School of the University of Bedfordshire, Luton, UK. In the past, he has worked and taught in a number of countries, including the UK, Finland, the Netherlands, Oman and India. Ram has successfully completed a number of research projects across the world. He is on the editorial boards of several journals and in the technical/advisory committees of several international conferences in his field. He has produced four books, more than 119 research publications in journals and more than 141 conference presentations. His research articles have appeared in many prestigious internationally refereed journals includingOmega, Journal of Business Ethics, Tourism Economics, International Journal of Production Economics,Supply Chain Management,International Journal of Operations & Production Management, European Journal of Operational Research,Transport Policy, and,Transportation Research.